Light sources simulated were: the same two light conditions experimentally tested in this study (5700 K, blue square, and 3000 K LED, brown diamond, model squared Inspire 48W Gdansk, Leroy Merlin S.L., Lille, France), a red, green and blue monochromatic LED light (RGB, blue triangle, 7306 K), and a red, green and violet monochromatic LED light (RGV, purple cross, 1941 K) both of them manufactured at the University of Murcia electronic facilities, a commercial amber LED (orange cross, 1701 K, from Ignialight Sacopa S.A.U., Spain), a commercial fluorescent (green triangle, 6564 K, from ADEO, France) and mercury vapor (green cross, 4900 K, from Luxten, Romania) bulbs.