Figure 2. Electrode location and spectral characteristics of local field potentials from recorded habenula at rest.
(A) Electrode locations reconstructed using Lead-DBS, with the structures colored in light blue for the habenula, purple for the caudate nucleus, light green for the red nucleus, and yellow for subthalamic nucleus. (B) The log-transformed oscillatory power spectra fitted using fooof method (after removing the non-oscillatory 1/f components). The bold blue line and shadowed region indicates the mean ± SEM across all recorded hemispheres, and the thin gray lines show measurements from individual hemispheres. (C) Boxplot showing the peak frequencies at theta/alpha and beta frequency bands from all recorded habenula. (D) Positions of the electrodes with theta peaks only during rest. (E) Electrode positions for Case 3, in whom only beta band peaks were detected in the resting activities from both sides. (F) Electrode positions for Case 6, in whom both theta and beta band peaks were present in resting activities from both sides.