Fig. 5. Loss of 5-HT4R led to changes in neurogenesis-related genes and increased number of immature neurons in the vDG.
a MA-plots indicating differentially expressed (DE) genes (FDR < 0.05) between cKO and WT mRNA from whole dDG (top) and vDG (bottom). Complete lists can be found in Tables S5 and S6. b Comparison of significantly enriched gene ontology (GO) terms among whole dDG and vDG DE genes from a. c Venn diagram comparing DE transcripts shared and unique to vDG TRAP (dark blue) and whole vDG tissue (light blue) samples. d Top ten GO terms enriched in the whole vDG-specific gene list from c. Terms related to neurogenic tone are in bold. Complete lists can be found in Tables S7 and S8. e Representative images of anti-DCX immunofluorescence in coronal sections through dDG and vDG from cKO and WT mice. Arrowheads indicate DCX+ cells. DAPI is shown in blue. Scale bar, 150 µm. f Quantification (mean ± SEM) of DCX+ cells per granule cell layer area in the dorsal (dDG), intermediate (iDG), and ventral (vDG) DG. Two-way ANOVA: genotype × region interaction, F(2,24) = 6.328, p = 0.0062 followed by post hoc Fisher’s LSD test, **p = 0.002. n = 5 per genotype.