Table 2.
Differential expression analyses of retrovirus transcripts.
This table displays log2 fold-change between ALS cases and controls for each tissue, and the p value from the Stouffer’s meta-analysis. Transcripts are shown if the Stouffer’s meta-analysis had p < 0.05, incorporating the KCL primary motor cortex dataset and the TA lateral motor cortex dataset.
Bold: Significant Stouffer’s meta-analysis p value, beyond Bonferroni multiple-testing correction for 3237 transcripts (p < 1.5 × 10−5). Cells highlighted in blue indicate increased expression in ALS samples; cells highlighted in red indicate decreased expression in ALS samples, compared to controls, where transcripts had a p < 1.5 × 10−5 in any meta-analysis.
KCL King’s College London, MC motor cortex, Cere cerebellum, FCx frontal cortex (various), PFC prefrontal cortex, Lat lateral, Med medial, FC fold-change.