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. 2019 Mar 27;36(15-16):7747–7775. doi: 10.1177/0886260519836952
4.3 How confident are you that you alone could raise enough money to feed your family for 4 weeks?—this could be, for example, by working, selling things that you own, or by borrowing money (from people you know or from a bank or money lender). 1 = Very confident
2 = It would be possible/moderately confident
3 = Not confident at all
4 = Don’t know
4.4 In the event of a crisis (e.g., house fire) how confident are you that you alone could raise enough money to feed your family for 4 weeks? 1 = Very confident
2 = It would be possible/moderately confident
3 = Not confident at all
4 = Don’t know
4.5 Is your ability to survive such a crisis better, same, or worse than 2 years ago? 1 = Better
2 = Same
3 = Worse
4 = Don’t know