(A–I) ELISA of IFN-β (A, D, and G), IFN-λ3 (B, E,
and H), and IL-18 (C, F, and I) production from human HT-29 IECs with the
indicated shRNA after a 20-h infection with enteric RNA viruses, including
simian rotavirus SA-11 strain (A–C) and reovirus T3D strain (D–F),
or DNA virus HSV-1 KOS strain (G–I) at a multiplicity of infection (MOI)
of 10. Mock, scrambled shRNA (sh-Ctrl)-treated human HT-29 IECs without virus
infection. Each circle represents an individual independent experiment, and
small solid black lines indicate the average of triplicates.
(J–L) Quantification of expression of rotavirus NSP5 gene (J),
reovirus S4 gene (K), and HSV-1 VP16 gene (L) relative to GAPDH in human HT-29
IECs infected by rotavirus (J), reovirus (K), or HSV-1(L) as in (A)–(I).
Data are represented as means ± SEMs. NS, p > 0.05, ***p <
0.001 (unpaired t test).