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. 2020 Jun 27;61(5):680–692. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnaa080

Table 3.

Multinomial Logistic Regression of the Latent Coping Pattern Subtypes

Low coping vs. High coping Medium coping vs. High coping Low coping vs. Medium coping
OR 95% CI p OR 95% CI p OR 95% CI P
Caregiver characteristics
Age 1.01 0.96–1.05 .788 0.98 0.95–1.02 .341 1.02 0.98–1.07 .281
 Male 7.17 1.25–41.05 .027 5.91 1.10–31.70 .038 1.21 0.27–5.40 .801
 Female Ref Ref
 Chinese Ref
 Malay 0.93 0.27–3.17 .910 0.52 0.18–1.50 .225 1.80 0.51–6.35 .358
 Indian and others 0.81 0.19–3.47 .776 0.31 0.08–1.19 .088 2.58 0.47–14.22 .277
Education level
 Secondary or below (include N/O level) 0.41 0.17–1.02 .055 0.64 0.30–1.34 .235 0.65 0.27–1.57 .338
 Diploma (including A-level and polytechnic) 0.29 0.11–0.79 .016 1.09 0.50–2.37 .830 0.27 0.10–0.70 .007
 Degree or above Ref
Marital status
 Single 1.05 0.43–2.55 .920 0.55 0.27–1.11 .097 1.90 0.78–4.63 .161
 Married/divorced/widowed Ref
Employment status
 Unemployed (including retired and housewife) 1.63 0.70–3.82 .261 2.09 1.04–4.21 .038 0.78 0.34–1.80 .557
 Employed Ref Ref
Caregiving-related variables
Relationship to the PWD
 Spouse Ref
 Son 0.16 0.02–1.12 .065 0.46 0.08–2.80 .400 0.34 0.06–1.85 .213
 Daughter 0.77 0.19–3.17 .718 2.41 0.60–9.66 .214 0.32 0.07–1.57 .160
 Others 0.34 0.07–1.80 .206 2.28 0.49–10.71 .296 0.15 0.03–0.86 .033
Living arrangement
 Together with the PWD 1.05 0.41–2.66 .920 1.78 0.83–3.81 .139 0.59 0.24–1.46 .253
 Separately from the PWD Ref
Have a domestic helper
 Yes 1.93 0.86–4.31 .111 1.44 0.73–2.87 .295 1.33 0.60–2.97 .481
 No Ref
Duration of illness (months) 1.00 0.99–1.01 .690 1.00 0.99–1.00 .222 1.00 1.00–1.01 .476
Weekly caregiving hours 1.00 0.99–1.01 .443 0.99 0.99–1.00 .065 1.00 0.99–1.01 .471
Functional dependence of PWD 0.95 0.85–1.06 .339 1.01 0.92–1.12 .772 0.93 0.84–1.04 .222
Memory and behavioral problems of PWD 1.16 1.01–1.33 .038 1.07 0.96–1.19 .223 1.08 0.94–1.24 .269
Caregiving burden 0.91 0.88–0.94 <.0001 1.00 0.98–1.02 .837 0.91 0.88–0.94 <.0001

Note: CI = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio; PWD = persons with dementia.