✓ | Patient not agitated and sedation and analgesia drug doses stable, neuromuscular blockade are acceptable for measures and has minimal effect on REE measure |
✓ | Ideally, for best measures:
✓ | Establish FIO2 of <70%, the maximum expected for clinical accuracy for new QNRG Device accuracy |
✓ | Preferred PEEP: ≤16 cm H2O, and peak airway pressure: ≤30 cm H2O |
✓ | No air leaks (ie, no chest tubes) and patient has stable ventilator settings for ≥30 minutes |
✓ | Perform IC 4 hours before/after CRRT use. Perform IC before or >4 hours after intermittent hemodialysis |
✓ | Ideally, wait ≥60 minutes after painful procedure or changes in catecholamine, sedative, or analgesic dose |
Recommendations taken from Oshima et al,6 Kaviani et al,31 and Uehara et al38 and QNRG operating manual (COSMED, Inc).
ABG, arterial blood gas; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; IC, indirect calorimetry; FIO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; REE, resting energy expenditure.