Fig. 5.
STAT5-activating cytokines, hormones, growth factors, and chemokines maintain homeostasis in intestinal cells through STAT5 action. Cytokines, hormones, growth factors, and chemokines activate STAT5 in colonic cells as shown in Fig. 1. STAT5 protects intestinal tissue from C. difficile colitis by regulating tight junction permeability in enterocytes. Additionally, STAT5 protects the intestinal tissue from injury by promoting self-renewal of LGR5+ stem cells and differentiation of LGR5+ towards pYSTAT5+ LGR5− CD24+ Lyso+ or CD44+ cKIT+ cells. Moreover, STAT5 has been found to upregulate MUC13 production in Goblet cells, which modulates intestinal inflammation by playing a protective role in the colonic epithelium. However, the role of STAT5 in mesenchymal niche cells of the colonic tissue is unknown and is yet to be explored (marked by “?”).