Macroflora of the lower bed. a–f Sphenopteris germanica. a Sterile foliage. USNM716921. b, c Main fork of axis with distinctive horizontal sclerotic plates. USNM716918, 716919. d, e
Telangiopsis-type, H-branched (white arrows in d) reproductive axes similar to those illustrated by Mamay (1992) from Late Pennsylvanian age from Kinney Quarry, New Mexico, associated with similar vegetative foliage. USNM721773, 716925p. f Foliage angularly disposed to bedding. USNM716923. g Unidentified vegetative foliage, possibly of a small fern, or perhaps a callipterid. USNM721764. USNM specimen number also indicated on photograph. Scale bars 1 cm