Macroflora and invertebrates from the lower bed. a, b Platyspermic winged seeds. USNM721770, 716939. c Platyspermic seed with narrow compression border. USNM716941. d Radiospermic seeds. USNM721768. e, f Possible Peltaspermum, reproductive organs of callipterids; however, these are rather large and could be synangia of Remia, although no vegetative foliage of this plant was identified. USNM721767, 721766. g Unidentified strobilus suspected to be of conifer origin. USNM721774. h Valvate structure, suspected pollen organ. USNM721775p. i Conchostracans, a rarely encountered example. USNM721760. USNM specimen number also indicated on photograph. Scale bar in image b 1 cm, all specimens of same magnification