Schematic diagram of the different mechanisms of action
of efflux
inhibitors. Inhibition of gene expression prevents transcription of
efflux genes, thereby reducing efflux pump expression. Compounds that
inhibit the functional assembly work by interfering with the interaction
surfaces between the components of the tripartite efflux systems.
Energy decoupling agents facilitate flow of protons, thereby dissipating
the electrochemical gradient, so that it cannot be exploited as an
energy source by efflux pumps. Inhibitors of substrate efflux can
work as a competitive inhibitor by actively competing with the binding
site to prevent substrate binding or by blocking conformational change
to prohibit enzymatic catalysis. Inhibitors of periplasmic adaptor
proteins (PAP) are thought to work by preventing binding to the inner
membrane transporter and by preventing self-association of the PAP
protomers. Outer membrane factor (OMF) inhibitors block the periplasmic
entrance site to prevent translocation of substrates across the outer
membrane. PAP, periplasmic adaptor protein; OMF, outer membrane factor.