Sum of 24 PFAS (ng g–1 dw)
in different groups
from the stream (K1), the lake (KS), and the reference pond (KRef).
The groups aquatic insect larvae, sediment, and earthworms were collected
in fall 2017; terrestrial invertebrate consumers in spring 2017; and
emergent aquatic insect in spring 2017 and 2018. Circles represent
data points, diamonds represent mean values, and the band represents
the median. Lower and upper hinges correspond to the first and third
quantiles (25th and 75th, respectively). The lower and upper whiskers
extend from the hinge to the smallest and the largest value no further
than 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR). Groups at each site
that do not share the same letters have significantly different concentrations
(Dunn’s test, p < 0.05, no significant
differences were found in Kref). Sediment and earthworms were excluded
from the statistical analysis due to too few samples. Note the differences
in scales between KRef and the other two sites.