Box and Whiskers plot of changes in Cu (A), Zn (B), and Cu/Zn (C) levels in male rats in parts of brain: hippocampus, cerebellum and cerebral cortex, measured using the ICP-MS method. The obtained results are expressed in concentration μM/kg wet tissue (A,B). The number of animals used in this experiment was: n = 15 – control group, n = 12 – VPA-treated rats, and n = 12 – THAL-treated animals; (*) represents results statistically significant vs. control, p < 0.05, two-way ANOVA followed by Holm-Sidak corrections; box containing 50% of results that fell in the range between 25% (bottom line) and 75% (top line) – IQR (InterQuartile Range), (–) median value, whiskers – min and max values, (•) – outliers (±1.5 × IQR), (∘) – individual sample.