(A) Cartoon of ciliogenesis in phasmid neurons with centriolar microtubules (blue), internal centriole structures (red), and transition zone fibers (yellow) indicated. The osm-6 promoter drives ciliated sensory neurons specific degradation (csn(−)). (B-D) Localization of indicated proteins at the ciliary base (yellow arrowhead) of adult phasmid cilia following SPD-5 or PCMD-1 depletion. (E) Analysis of fluorescence intensity of indicated proteins following degradation of SPD-5 or PCMD-1. SPD-5: control (‘CTL’) = 100±12.45%, n= 10 worms; PCMD-1csn(−) (‘P csn(−)’) = 10.32±1.06%, n= 14 worms; PCMD-1: control = 100±8.83%, n= 11 worms; SPD-5csn(−) (‘S5 csn(−)’) = 7.45±1.39%, n= 12 worms; GIP-1: control = 100%±6.41, n= 10 worms; PCMD-1csn(−) = 32.36±3.01%, n= 10; SPD-5csn(−) = 0.82±2.09%, n= 10 worms. Values are mean ± standard error of mean. (F) EBP-2 fluorescence intensity near the ciliary base relative to control: control = 100± 6.87%, n= 10 worms; PCMD-1csn(−) = 96.85±23.8%, n= 10 worms; GIP-1csn(−) (‘G csn(−)’) = 9.74±9.25%, n= 10 worms; SPD-5 csn(−) = 11.35±16.6%, n= 10 worms. (G) EBP-2 comets emanating from ciliary base: control = 0.40±0.03 comets/sec., n= 10 worms; PCMD-1csn(−) = 0.35±0.06 comets/sec., n= 10 worms; GIP-1csn(−) = 0.03±0.01 comets/sec., n= 10 worms; SPD-5csn(−) = 0.02±0.01 comets/sec., n= 10 worms. (H) Cartoon of phasmid neuron with region imaged along the dendrite (‘1’) and at the ciliary base (‘2’) indicated. 1: 12-second time-projection of EBP-2 comets in the dendrite moving toward the cell body (red, DNA). 2: 3-second time-projection of EBP-2 comets along the dendrites (outlined by white dashed lines, ‘D’) near the ciliary base (yellow dashed lines, ‘B’). Scale bars = 1μm.
See also Figure S3 and Video S1.