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. 2021 Jun 21;23(6):e18488. doi: 10.2196/18488

Table 1.

Patient and virtual visit characteristics (N=426).

Characteristics Value
Age (years), mean (SD) 46 (15.5)
Female, n (%) 273 (64.1)
Ohio resident, n (%) 299 (70.2)
Hospital employee, n (%) 101 (23.7)
Insurance used, n (%)

Employee Health Plan 101 (23.7)

Medical Mutual of Ohio 80 (18.8)

Undetermined 245 (57.5)
Physician virtual clinician, n (%) 336 (78.9)
Prior relationship with clinician (n=423), n (%) 121 (28.6)
Visit type, n (%)

On-demand 249 (58.4)