Table 1.
HPa probe | Biochemical reaction | T1b of HP probe (seconds) | Quantification | Biological significance | References |
[1-13C] Pyruvate | Pyruvate to lactate (catalyzed by LDHc); pyruvate to alanine (catalyzed by ALTd) | 44-67 | Rate constant of pyruvate to lactate (or alanine) or time-integrated ratio of lactate (or alanine)-to-pyruvate signals | Increased pyruvate-to-lactate flux is an indicator of the Warburg effect; total flux from pyruvate to (lactate+alanine) could be a measure of anaerobic glucose metabolism | Viale et al [17], Rao et al [22], Halbrook and Lyssiotis [49], Dutta et al [50] |
[5-13C] or [5-13C-4-2H2] glutamine | Glutamine to glutamate (catalyzed by glutaminase) | 16-30 | Time-integrated ratio of glutamate-to-glutamine signals | Indicator of glutamine addiction as a characteristic of certain cancers; also a measure of α-ketoglutarate metabolism (glutamate converts to α- ketoglutarate and can feed the TCAe cycle). | Son et al [51] |
[H13CO3–] bicarbonate | Bicarbonate to carbon dioxide | 10-20 | Using the relative concentrations of bicarbonate and carbon dioxide, apply the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation to calculate the tissue pH | The bicarbonate buffer system controls tissue pH; greater acidity of the tumor microenvironment has been linked to treatment resistance | Cruz-Monserrate et al [52], Gallagher et al [53] |
[1,5-13C2] zymonic acid |
N/Af | 43-51 | Chemical shift difference based on pH measurement | This is an organic moiety with no significant biological importance | Rao et al [21] |
[1,4-13C2] fumarate | Fumarate to malate (cytosolic washout after cell necrosis) | ~30 | Malate signal is proportional to the amount of cell death | Fumarase (FH) enzyme is present in the cytosol and mitochondria of viable cells. Since cells cannot uptake fumarate, any HP malate production is a direct result of injected HP fumarate interacting with FH in the extracellular space, which has leaked out of necrotic cells; thus, it can be used to differentiate necrotic from viable cells | Silvers et al [54], Lee et al [55] |
[1-13C] dehydroascorbate (DHA) | DHA/ascorbate cycle, GSHg/GSSGh cycle, and NAPDHi to NADP+ | >50 | Ratio of time-integrated ascorbate-to-DHA signal | Greater flux from DHA to ascorbate indicates less redox stress inside the cell; this is also an indirect measure of the GSSG-to-GSH ratio and NADPH metabolism | Lai et al [56], Salamanca-Cardona et al [57], Keshari et al [58-60] |
[1-13C] α-keto isocaproate (α-KIC) | α-KIC to leucine (catalyzed by BCATj) | 100 | Ratio of time-integrated leucine-to-α-KIC signals | Indicator of BCAT level, which is upregulated in certain cancers | Wilson et al [61] |
aHP: hyperpolarization.
bT1: longitudinal relaxation time.
cLDH: lactate dehydrogenase.
dALT: alanine transaminase.
eTCA: tricarboxylic acid cycle.
fN/A: not applicable.
gGSH: reduced glutathione.
hGSSG: glutathione disulfide.
iNAPDH: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.
JBCAT: branched-chain aminotransferase.