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. 2021 Jun 17;9(6):e26601. doi: 10.2196/26601

Table 1.

Review of 13C-labeled probes employed in interrogating different metabolic pathways in pancreatic cancer systems.

HPa probe Biochemical reaction T1b of HP probe (seconds) Quantification Biological significance References
[1-13C] Pyruvate Pyruvate to lactate (catalyzed by LDHc); pyruvate to alanine (catalyzed by ALTd) 44-67 Rate constant of pyruvate to lactate (or alanine) or time-integrated ratio of lactate (or alanine)-to-pyruvate signals Increased pyruvate-to-lactate flux is an indicator of the Warburg effect; total flux from pyruvate to (lactate+alanine) could be a measure of anaerobic glucose metabolism Viale et al [17], Rao et al [22], Halbrook and Lyssiotis [49], Dutta et al [50]
[5-13C] or [5-13C-4-2H2] glutamine Glutamine to glutamate (catalyzed by glutaminase) 16-30 Time-integrated ratio of glutamate-to-glutamine signals Indicator of glutamine addiction as a characteristic of certain cancers; also a measure of α-ketoglutarate metabolism (glutamate converts to α- ketoglutarate and can feed the TCAe cycle). Son et al [51]
[H13CO3] bicarbonate Bicarbonate to carbon dioxide 10-20 Using the relative concentrations of bicarbonate and carbon dioxide, apply the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation to calculate the tissue pH The bicarbonate buffer system controls tissue pH; greater acidity of the tumor microenvironment has been linked to treatment resistance Cruz-Monserrate et al [52], Gallagher et al [53]
[1,5-13C2] zymonic acid

N/Af 43-51 Chemical shift difference based on pH measurement This is an organic moiety with no significant biological importance Rao et al [21]
[1,4-13C2] fumarate Fumarate to malate (cytosolic washout after cell necrosis) ~30 Malate signal is proportional to the amount of cell death Fumarase (FH) enzyme is present in the cytosol and mitochondria of viable cells. Since cells cannot uptake fumarate, any HP malate production is a direct result of injected HP fumarate interacting with FH in the extracellular space, which has leaked out of necrotic cells; thus, it can be used to differentiate necrotic from viable cells Silvers et al [54], Lee et al [55]
[1-13C] dehydroascorbate (DHA) DHA/ascorbate cycle, GSHg/GSSGh cycle, and NAPDHi to NADP+ >50 Ratio of time-integrated ascorbate-to-DHA signal Greater flux from DHA to ascorbate indicates less redox stress inside the cell; this is also an indirect measure of the GSSG-to-GSH ratio and NADPH metabolism Lai et al [56], Salamanca-Cardona et al [57], Keshari et al [58-60]
[1-13C] α-keto isocaproate (α-KIC) α-KIC to leucine (catalyzed by BCATj) 100 Ratio of time-integrated leucine-to-α-KIC signals Indicator of BCAT level, which is upregulated in certain cancers Wilson et al [61]

aHP: hyperpolarization.

bT1: longitudinal relaxation time.

cLDH: lactate dehydrogenase.

dALT: alanine transaminase.

eTCA: tricarboxylic acid cycle.

fN/A: not applicable.

gGSH: reduced glutathione.

hGSSG: glutathione disulfide.

iNAPDH: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.

JBCAT: branched-chain aminotransferase.