Fig. 5. PS does not impact PI4P distribution at TGN.
a Confocal micrographs of Arabidopsis root epidermal cells expressing the PS biosensor mCIT-C2LACT upon 0 or 100 nM metazachlor (Mz) treatment. Fluorescence intensity at intracellular dots (b) and at PM (c) was quantified. The distribution of the PS biosensor was not altered upon Mz treatment (a–c). n = 69 cells from 23 roots (0 nM), 75 cells from 25 roots (100 nM). d Confocal micrographs of Arabidopsis root epidermal cells expressing the PI4P biosensor mCIT-2×PHFAPP1 in wild-type/heterozygote plants or pss1-3 homozygote mutant. e Fluorescence intensity at intracellular dots was quantified. PI4P quantity at intracellular dots was not modified in pss1-3 mutant. n = 66 cells from 22 roots (WT/hetero), 63 cells from 21 roots (pss1-3). Statistics were done by two-sided Wilcoxson’s rank-sum test. Each element of the boxplot indicates the following value: center line, median; box limits, the first and third quartiles; whiskers, 1.5× interquartile range; points above or below the whiskers, outliers. Scale bars, 10 µm.