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. 2021 Jun 30;8:650053. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.650053

Table 2.

The OFF- and ON-states of the unified Parkinson's disease rating scale of patients with PD at baseline and after 12 weeks of intervention.

Outcomes Baseline (V0) Range Post-12 weeks (V1) Range P Change (V1-V0) ES
UPDRS-III 27.16 ± 7.11 (26) 14–46 24.08 ± 8.2 (24) 10–42 0.004 −3.08 ± 4.41 0.699
Tremor subscores 2.2 ± 2.27 (2) 0–8 2.04 ± 2.01 (1) 0–7 1.000 −0.16 ± 1.21 0.132
Rigidity subscores 5.48 ± 3 (6) 1–10 4.88 ± 3.06 (5) 0–10 0.057 −0.60 ± 1.35 0.443
Akinesia subscores 11.64 ± 3.4 (11) 4–20 9.68 ± 4.03 (10) 3–17 0.012 −1.96 ± 3.01 0.652
PIGD subscores 1.88 ± 0.97 (2) 0–4 1.68 ± 1.14 (1) 0–4 0.267 −0.2 ± 0.71 0.283
mHYS 2.4 ± 0.38 (2.5) 2–3 2.3 ± 0.38 (2) 2–3 0.125 −0.1 ± 0.25 0.400
UPDRS-I 2.64 ± 1.75 (2) 0–7 2.48 ± 1.64 (2) 1–7 0.607 −0.16 ± 1.03 0.156
UPDRS-II 9.7 ± 4.27 (10) 2–16 8.8 ± 3.8 (10) 2–15 0.383 −0.92 ± 2.89 0.319
UPDRS-III 17.56 ± 6.92 (16) 8–33 15 ± 7.76 (15) 4–36 0.007 −2.56 ± 5.36 0.477
UPDRS-IV 3.08 ± 1.19 (3) 2–6 2.96 ± 1.02 (3) 2–6 1.000 −0.12 ± 1.39 0.086
Total UPDRS 33 ± 10.65 (30) 15–51 29.24 ± 10.26 (30) 12–53 0.003 −3.76 ± 6.04 0.623
Tremor subscores 1.08 ± 1.19 (1) 0–4 0.72 ± 0.84 (1) 0–3 0.118 −0.36 ± 0.99 0.362
Rigidity subscores 3.48 ± 2.28 (4) 0–8 3 ± 2.58 (3) 0–10 0.302 −0.48 ± 1.56 0.308
Akinesia subscores 8.68 ± 3.42 (8) 4–21 7.36 ± 3.44 (7) 1–14 0.078 −1.32 ± 3.15 0.420
PIGD subscores 0.6 ± 0.91 (0) 0–3 0.44 ± 0.92 (0) 0–3 0.453 −0.16 ± 0.62 0.256
mHYS 2.12 ± 0.3 (2) 2–3 2.1 ± 0.32 (2) 1.5–3 1.000 −0.02 ± 0.18 0.114

Change in negative value indicates improvement. Mean ± SD (Medium); p: signed rank test, α = 0.05, 2-tailed; ES: 0.2 small effect, 0.5 medium effect, 0.8 large effect; Tremor subscores: items 20-21 (tremor at rest, action or postural tremor of hands); Rigidity subscores: item 22 (rigidity); Akinesia subscores: items 23–26 (finger taps, hand movements, rapid alternating movements of the hands, and leg agility); PIGD subscores: items 29–30 (gait, postural stability).

ES, effect size; UPDRS, unified Parkinson's disease rating scale; mHYS, modified Hoehn and Yahr scale.