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. 2021 Jul 14;8(7):210239. doi: 10.1098/rsos.210239

Table 1.

A summary of the statistical outcomes. Variables and values in bold refer to statistically significant differences (α set at p ≤ 0.05). 95% CI, confidence interval. Marginal R2, the proportion of variance explained by the fixed factor of the model, which was the sex (i.e. female versus male). Conditional R2, the proportion of variance explained by the fixed and random factors; fixed factor was sex and random factor was the identity of the pair. Cohen's d effect size: 0.2, small; 0.5, medium; greater than or equal to 0.8, large effect. F, females; M, males.

category model class tested variable N χ2 p-value marginal R2 conditional R2 95% CI
effect size (Cohen's d) F versus M figure
lower upper
behaviour Gaussian time spent in cleaning resident clients sex 8 F and 8 M 3.588 0.058 0.129 0.463 −70.1 1.19 0.81 F ≥ M figure 2a
Gaussian time spent in cleaning visitor clients sex 8 F and 8 M 1.466 0.226 0.021 0.782 −109 25.70 0.32 F = M figure 2a
Gaussian total interactions with resident clients sex 8 F and 8 M 3.000 0.083 0.118 0.410 −20.9 1.29 0.76 F = M figure 2b
Gaussian total interactions with visitor clients sex 8 F and 8 M 1.428 0.232 0.023 0.758 −0.80 0.19 0.56 F = M figure 2b
Gaussian jolts rate by resident clients sex 8 F and 8 M 4.518 0.033 0.125 0.585 −37.8 −1.53 0.80 F > M figure 2c
Gaussian jolts rate by visitor clients sex 8 F and 8 M 1.617 0.203 0.065 0.393 −10.2 2.17 0.55 F = M figure 2c
cognition learning abilities Poisson reversal-learning task sex 10 F and 9 M 13.067 <0.001 0.155 0.794 −0.35 −0.10 F < M figure 3a
binomial client quality task sex 10 F and 10 M 5.519 0.019 0.411 0.631 0.79 6.68 F < M figure 3b
inhibitory control abilities Gaussian detour task sex 10 F and 10 M 14.476 <0.001 0.157 0.794 −0.20 −0.07 0.91 F > M figure 4a
Gaussian audience effect task sex 10 F and 10 M 0.122 0.727 0.050 0.282 −0.26 0.26 0.09 F = M figure 4b
audience treatment 10 F and 10 M 2.475 0.116 −0.38 0.15 0.46 figure 4b
sex × audience treatment 10 F and 10 M 0.122 0.727 −0.44 0.31 F = M figure 4b