Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) does not affect oligodendrocyte quantity in the spinal cord. Lateral images of living transgenic Tg(mbp-EGFP-CAAX); Tg (sox10:tagRFP) wild-type and fmr1−/− larvae at 4 dpf. mbp+/sox10+ oligodendrocytes in the dorsal (a-b′) and ventral (c-d′) spinal cord (outlined examples in merged images). Quantification of dorsal (e), ventral (f), and cumulative oligodendrocytes (g) (wild-type n = 11 larvae; fmr1−/− n = 10 larvae). Statistical significance assessed using unpaired t tests. Scale bar = 20 μm; OL, oligodendrocyte [Color figure can be viewed at]