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. 2021 Jul 1;17(7):e1009475. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009475

Table 1. Survey of neuroanatomical defects in catp-8/P5A-ATPase mutant animals.

Neurons Examined (Marker Used) control [%] N catp-8 [%] N P Value1
Motor Neurons2
D-Type (juIs76)
    Gaps in ventral nerve cord 10.8 93 41.3 109 ****
    Gaps in dorsal nerve cord 12.9 93 26.6 109 *
    0 L/R choice commissure 60.0 40 23.6 55 ***
    1 L/R choice commissure 25.0 40 41.8 55 **
    ≥ 2 L/R choice commissure 15.0 40 32.7 55
    defasciculation of DNC 0.0 31 11.4 44 0.07
    defasciculation of VNC 19.4 31 36.4 44 0.13
    defasciculation in both 3.2 31 2.3 44 ns
DA/DB (evIs82b)
    Gaps in ventral nerve cord 0 102 0 108 ns
    Gaps in dorsal nerve cord 0 102 0 108 ns
    L/R choice of commissures 4.8 102 5.7 108 ns
HSN (mgIs71)
    Ventral nerve cord     crossover2 0.0 85 12.5 72 ***
PVQ (oyIs14)
    Ventral cord crossover 11.8 101 7 100 ns
AIY (mgIs32)
    Early termination 0 120 0 124 ns
    Ectopic axonal branching 2 120 2 124 ns
Amphid Neurons4
DiI Stain
    Defasciculation 6 50 4 50 ns
    Early termination 0 50 0 50 ns
    Anterior process 0 50 0 50 ns
    Anterior nerve ring 0 50 0 50 ns
    Posterior process 0 50 0 50 ns
    Posterior nerve ring 0 50 0 50 ns
Phasmid Neurons3
DiI Stain
    Ectopic axons 0 50 0 50 ns
    Axon crossover 0 50 0 50 ns
    Wandering processes 0 50 0 50 ns

1 Statistical significance was calculated using Fisher’s exact test.

*, P ≤ 0.05

**, P ≤ 0.005

****, P ≤ 0.0001; ns, not significant.

2 Note that the cross over defects invariably occurred when HSNL failed to migrate, in which case a process first grew out posteriorly, before turning ventrally. The process then crossed the midline and grew anteriorly in the right ventral nerve cord.

3 Neuroanatomical defects were scored as described [65].

4 Neuro-anatomical defects were scored as described [66].