Table 2.
Self-report items of the ecological momentary assessment administered through SIMON-SELF.
Response scale | Construct & reference | |
Only shown during first beep of the day | ||
1. How long did it take you to fall asleep yesterday? | Min | Sleep, derived from the Sleep Condition Indicator (58) |
2. If you woke up during the night: how long were you awake for in total? | Slider scale from 0 min to ≥ 61 min | Sleep, derived from the Sleep Condition Indicator (58) |
3. How would you rate your sleep quality? | Slider scale from Very good to very poor | Sleep, derived from the Sleep Condition Indicator (58) |
4. Did you have nightmares? | Binary: yes/no | Nightmares |
5. (conditional upon item 4) How distressing were they? | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Nightmares |
Shown during every beep of the day | ||
6. At this moment, I feel little interest or pleasure in doing things. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Depression (59) |
7. At this moment, I feel down or depressed. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Depression (59) |
8. At this moment, I feel useless. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Perceived burdensomness [Hallensleben et al., 2018; (60)] |
9. At this moment, I feel like a burden for others. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Perceived burdensomness [Hallensleben et al., 2018; (60)] |
10. At this moment, I feel lonely. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Thwarted belongingness [Hallensleben et al., 2018; (60)] |
11. At this moment, I feel like I do not belong. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Thwarted belongingness [Hallensleben et al., 2018; (10)] |
12. At this moment, I feel hopeless. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Hopelessness (16) |
13. At this moment, the future seems hopeful to me and things are changing for the better. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Hope (61) |
14. At this moment, I feel that life is not worth living for me. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Passive suicidal ideation [Hallensleben et al., 2018; (60)] |
15. At this moment, I feel there are more reasons to die than to live for me. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Passive suicidal ideation [Hallensleben et al., 2018; (60)] |
16. At this moment, I feel that I want to die by suicide. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Active suicidal ideation [Hallensleben et al., 2018; (60)] |
17. At this moment, I think about taking my life. | Slider scale from Not at all to extremely | Active suicidal ideation [Hallensleben et al., 2018; (60)] |
18. At this moment, I feel that I have control over the things that happen to me. | Slider scale from Not at all to very confident | Daily locus of control/ self-efficacy (62) |
19. Move the sliders to express how you actually feel while watching the picture. Move the slider to rate your level of pleasure. | Slider scale with pleasure | Affect: The Affective Slider (63) |
20. Move the sliders to express how you actually feel while watching the picture. Move the slider to rate your level of arousal. | Slider scale with arousal | Affect: The Affective Slider (63) |
Only shown during the last beep of the day | ||
1. At this moment, I feel | Slider scale going from tired to awake | Awake-Affect (64) |
2. At this moment, I feel | Slider scale going from content to discontent | Content-Affect (64) |
3. At this moment, I feel | Slider scale going from agitated to calm | Agitated-Affect (64) |
4. At this moment, I feel | Slider scale going from full of energy to without energy | Full of energy-Affect (64) |
5. At this moment, I feel | Slider scale going from unwell to well | Unwell-Affect (64) |
6. At this moment, I feel | Slider scale going from relaxed to tense | Relaxed-Affect (64) |
7. Please indicate the persons you spent time with today (indicate none or as many as applicable) | □ romantic partner □ parent(s) □ sibling(s) □ friend(s) □ housemate(s) (not friend or family) □ coworkers or classmates □ other, specify: |
8. Choose the person you interacted with most today (Indicate only one) | □ romantic partner □ parent(s) □ sibling(s) □ friend(s) □ housemate(s) (not friend or family) □coworkers or classmates □ other, specify: |
9. To what degree have you disclosed your feelings to this person during the day? | Slider scale not at all to fully | (65) |
10. To what degree have you suppressed your feelings to this person during the day? | Slider scale not at all to fully | |
11. To what extent did you feel that this person understood you? | Slider scale not at all to fully | (66) |
12. To what degree did you feel that this person expressed liking and encouragement for you? | Slider scale not at all to fully | (66) |
13. To what degree did you feel that this person valued your abilities and opinions? | Slider scale not at all to fully | (66) |
14. Have you experienced a conflict with this person throughout the day? | □ Yes □No |