Module-specific PPI network and functional analysis. a Venn diagram. In the Venn diagram, the largest ellipse represents the number of genes in the SCM, the medium ellipse represents the number of genes in the module-specific PPI network (msPN), and the smallest ellipse represents the number of NCGs. b msPNs and NCGs. The named nodes represent NCGs from the msPN, the orange nodes represent NCGs from BA41-42–22, the deep sky blue nodes represent NCGs from BA8, the light green nodes represent NCGs from CC, the pink nodes represent NCGs from BA46, and the dark cyan nodes represent the intersections of NCGs from different brain regions. The gray nodes are proteins in the msPN, and the gray edges represent protein interactions in the msPN. c Functional enrichment revealed that the genes in the msPNs are related to the nervous system. d Functional enrichment revealed that the genes in the msPNs are related to other functions. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)