Evaluation of drug candidates. a Sankey diagram of potential drugs identified by the dtGSEA method in the MCKG. b Sankey diagram of potential drugs identified by the CMap method in the MCKG. The first column (left) shows the brain regions. The second column (right) shows the potential drugs. c Ten drug candidates related to ASD in the MCKG. The yellow nodes represent drugs, and the magenta nodes represent mental illness. d Comprehensive information heatmap of 72 drug candidates. Each column represents a candidate drug, and each row represents an attribute of the candidate drug (for example, the method, brain region, whether or not it is from the MCKG, whether or not it can treat ASD, the type of study, the subject, etc.). Yellow indicates whether the drug candidate is related to other mental illnesses in the MCKG. e Target NCGs and GSEA results of drug candidates identified by the dtGSEA method. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)