IL-8 enhances ovarian cancer cell stemness and chemoresistance. (A) Examination of IL-8 expression in IL-8 overexpression and silencing ovarian cancer cells by qRT-PCR. (B) Measurement of IL-8 secreted from overexpression and silencing cells by ELISA. (C) Spheroids formed by IL-8 overexpression and silencing ovarian cancer cells in 3-D culture. (D) Survival rates of ovarian cancer cells expressing IL-8 shRNA or cDNA tested by CCK-8 following the treatment with cisplatin. OD values were measured after treatment with cisplatin at 48 h. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. IL, interleukin; CCK-8, Cell Counting Kit-8; OD, optical density.