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. 2021 Apr 21;112(4):377–384. doi: 10.1093/jhered/esab021

Table 1.

Programs used in assembly

Purpose Program Version
Oxford Nanopore basecalling Albacore 2.0.2
Illumina read trimming SeqPrep2 1.1
Illumina read trimming Trimmomatic 0.33
De novo assembly Meraculous-2D 2.2.4
Scaffolding HiRise 2.1.1
Nanopore adapter trimming Porechop 0.2.3
Gap-filling PBJelly 15.8.24
Short-read polishing Pilon 1.22
Duplicate removal Samtools rmdup 0.18
Assembly validation BUSCO 5.0.0
k-mer based assembly validation Merqury 1.1
Masking of repetitive elements RepeatMasker 1.332
Identification of repetitive elements RepeatScout 1.0.5
Annotation Augustus 3.2.2
RNAseq mapping TopHat2 2.1.0
Protein mapping Exonerate 2.2.0
Mitochondrial genome assembly Unicycler 0.4.4
Long read mapping Minimap2 2.7-r659
Illumina mapping BWA 0.7.12
Mitochondrial genome iterative assembly MIA 1.0
Mitochondrial assembly Jalview 2.11.0