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. 2021 Jul 1;12:611226. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.611226


Clinical and Genetic Findings in Patients with GTPBP3 Mutations.

Patient ID Sex Ethic origin Onset age Presenting symptoms Plasma lactate TTE Brain MRI Outcomes, follow-up time, cause of death GTPBP3 mutations chromosomal position (hg19) Domain/site
Severe form
#72425 (Kopajtich et al., 2014) F No data 3.5 months Poor feeding, failure to thrive, hypoactivity 23.3 mmol/l DCM No data Died, 8 months, CHF c.[484G > C; 673G > A; 964G > C], p.[Ala162Pro; Glu225Lys; Ala322Pro] g.[17449443;1 7449940;1745 0398] Ala162Pro and Glu225Lys at position between N-terminus and TrmE-type G domain; Ala322Pro at TrmE-type G domain (249–416)
#75191 (Kopajtich et al., 2014) F No data Birth Poor feeding, hypotonic, respiratory failure 23 mmol/l HCM No data Died, 1 day, asystolia c.[1009G > C; 1009G > C], p.[Asp337His; Asp337His] g.[17451887] Asp337His at TrmE-type G domain (249–416)
#76671 (Kopajtich et al., 2014) M No data Birth Poor feeding, hypotonic, CHF, metabolic acidosis 5.2 mmol/l HCM Bilateral hyperintensities in thalamus Died, 10 months, CHF c.[665-2delA; 665-2delA], p.[Ala222Gly; Asp223_Ser270del; Ala222Gly; Asp223_Ser270del] g.[17449930] N/A
#81471 (Kopajtich et al., 2014) M Romanian 4 weeks Hypothermia, recurrent apnea metabolic acidosis 11 mmol/l HCM Hyperintensities in subthalamic nuclei Died, 5 weeks, acidosis c.[424G > A; 424G > A], p.[Glu142Lys; Glu142Lys] g.[17449383] Glu142Lys at GTP-binding protein TrmE N-terminus (35–152)
#83904 (Kopajtich et al., 2014) F Turkish 1 week Cardiogenic shock, metabolic acidosis 20 mmol/l DCM No data Died, 9 months, CHF c.[32_33delinsGTG; 32_33delinsGTG], p.[Gln11Argfs*98; Gln11Argfs*98] g.[17448452_1 7448453] Gln11Argfs*98 at transit peptide (1–81)/GTP-binding protein TrmE N-terminus (35–152)
#83905 (Kopajtich et al., 2014) F Turkish Birth Cardiogenic shock, metabolic acidosis No data DCM No data Died, 10 days, CHF c.[32_33delinsGTG; 32_33delinsGTG], p.[Gln11Argfs*98; Gln11Argfs*98] g.[17448452_1 7448453] Gln11Argfs*98 at transit peptide (1–81)/GTP-binding protein TrmE N-terminus (35–152)
Our Patient #1 M Chinese 17 h Hypothermia, poor response, respiratory failure, cardiogenic shock, metabolic acidosis 26 mmol/l Normal No data Died, 5 days, CHF c.[413C > T; c.509_510del], p.[Ala138Val; Gln170Glyfs*42] g.[17449372;17 449468_174494 69delAG] Ala138Val at GTP-binding protein TrmE N-terminus (35–152); Gln170Glyfs*42 localized between the SH3 domain (101–118) and GTP-binding domain (283–301)
Mild form
#49665 (Kopajtich et al., 2014) M Arab 10 years Intellectual disability, fatigability, visual impairment, slight dyspnea with climbing stairs 3∼7 mmol/l HCM Lactate peaks in parietal and precentral cortex Alive, 14 years c.[1291dupC; 1375G > A], p.[Pro430Argfs*86; Glu459Lys] g.[17452324;1 7452408] C-terminal
#36349 (Kopajtich et al., 2014) M Arab No data Intellectual disability, fatigability, visual impairment, slight dyspnea with climbing stairs No data HCM Lactate peaks in parietal and precentral cortex Alive, 17 years c.[1291dupC; 1375G > A], p.[Pro430Argfs*86; Glu459Lys] g.[17452324;17 452408] C-terminal
#66143 (Kopajtich et al., 2014) M Arab 2 years Sudden respiratory failure, CHF No data HCM No data Alive, 5 years c.[476A > T; 964G > C], p.[Glu159Val; Ala322Pro] g.[17449435;17 450398] Glu159Val at position between N-terminus and TrmE-type G domain; Ala322Pro at TrmE-type G domain (Switch II region (302–312, 314–328)
#75168 (Kopajtich et al., 2014) F Indian 2 years Developmental delay, epileptic seizures >10 mmol/l No data Bilateral hyperintensities in thalamus Alive, 5 years c.[770C > A; 770C > A], p.[Pro257His; Pro257His] g.[17450037] Pro257His at GTP binding region (256–263); Pro257His at TrmE-type G domain (249–416)
#82790 (Kopajtich et al., 2014) F Japanese 1 year Developmental delay, epileptic seizures, hypotonia 5.7∼6.5 mmol/l Normal Bilateral hyperintensities in thalamus Alive, 2 years c.[8G > T; 934_957del], p.[Arg3Leu; Gly312_Val319del] g.[17448428;17 450368_17 450391] Arg3Leu at transit peptide (1–81); Gly312_Val319del at TrmE-type G domain (249–416); Gly312_Val319del at Switch II region (302–312, 314–328)
Patient No. 24 (Elmas et al., 2019) F Turkish 3 weeks Mental motor retardation, seizure, hearing disability, thrombocytopenia No data Normal Delayed myelination Alive, 10years c.[932C > T,932C > T], p.[Pro311Leu, Pro311Leu] g.[17450270;17 450270] Pro311Leu at TrmE-type G domain (249–416)
Our Patient #2 F Chinese 1 year Developmental delay, hypotonia 7.7∼14 mmol/l No data Bilateral lesions in brain stem, thalamus and cerebellum Alive, 3 years c.[544G > T; c.785A > C], p.[Gly182X; Gln262Pro] g.[17449503;17 449956] Gly182X at position between N-terminus and TrmE-type G domain which cause the loss of TrmE-type G domain and C terminal; Gln262Pro at GTP binding region (256–263)
Our Patient #3 F Chinese 1 year Developmental delay, intellectual disability, fatigability, 4.26∼16 mmol/l HCM Bilateral lesions in brain stem, thalamus and cerebellum Alive, 3 years c.[424G > A; c.785A > C], p.[Glu142Lys; Gln262Pro] g.[17449383;17 449956] Glu142Lys at GTP-binding protein TrmE N-terminus (35–152); Gln262Pro at GTP binding region (256–263)

CHF, congestive heart failure; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; N/A, not applicable; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography.