Pathotype distribution of E. coli capsule. (A and B) Heatmap showing nonpathogenic E. coli and ExPECs (A) and InPECs (B). Columns are organized first by pathotype, then by phylogroup, and finally by sequence type (sequence type not shown). The wzi gene used as a reference is specific for G1C. G2C and G3C both use the kpsFEDUCS and kpsTM operons for export. The biosynthetic operons for the most widely distributed and studied K-types, K1 (neu) and K5 (kfi), are also shown. G4C is synthesized by yccZ, ept, etk, and ymcABCD genes. The percent identity was determined using megaBLAST with reference genes found in Data Set S1 in the supplemental material.