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. 2021 Jul 16;142:104914. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2021.104914

Table 3.

Validation study results for SARS CoV-2 CLIA assays.

DiaSorin IgG OrthoIgG OrthoT SiemensT Abbott IgG RocheT
Sensitivity % (95% CI) 0–14 days post-onset
(n = 10)
60 (31.3–53.2) 100 (72.3-100) 100 (72.-100) 90 (59.6-98.2) 90 (59.6-98.2) 90 (59.6-98.2)
>14 days post-onset
(n = 32)
80 (61.4–92.3) 93.3 (77.9–99.2) 100 (88.4-100) 86.7 (69.3-96.2) 96.7 (82.8-99.9) 93.3 (77.9-99.2)
Overall (n = 42) 78.6 (64.1–88.3) 97.6 (87.7–99.6) 100 (91.5–100) 90.5 (77.9–96.2) 95.2 (84.2–98.7) 92.9 (81.0–97.5)
Specificity % (95% CI) Presumed negative n = 65 95.4 (87.3–98.4) 98.5 (91.8–99.7) 98.5 (91.8–99.7) 100 (94.4–100) 100 (94.4–100) 100 (94.4–100)
McNemar's p value for overall sensitivity and specificity Ortho IgG 0.146
Ortho T 0.092 1.0
Siemens T 0.727 0.125 0.063
Abbott IgG 0.388 0.25 0.25 0.625
Roche T 0.549 0.125 1.0 1.0 1.0
Estimated PPV%/NPV%* 1% prevalence 14.7/99.8 39.7/100 40.2/100 100/99.9 100/99.9 100/99.9
5% prevalence 47.3/97.6 77.4/99.9 77.8/100 100/99.5 100/99.7 100/99.6
10% prevalence 75.5/97.6 87.8/99.7 88.1/100 100/99.0 100/99.5 100/99.2

Abbreviations: CI=confidence interval; PPV= positive predictive value; NPV=negative predictive value

PPV/NPV calculations are based on cumulative performance at all time points.