Table 2:
Performance metrics for DRNN and other early earning scores
Performance metric | DRNN | Logistic Model | NEWS | MEWS | qSOFA |
Area under precision-recall curve | 0.042 (0.040, 0.043) | 0.043 (0.041, 0.045) | 0.034 (0.032, 0.035) | 0.028 (0.027, 0.030) | 0.021 (0.021, 0.022) |
Positive predictive value | 0.034 (0.034, 0.035) | 0.031 (0.031, 0.032) | 0.020 (0.020, 0.020) | 0.015 (0.015, 0.015) | 0.015 (0.015, 0.015) |
Number needed to evaluate | 29 (29, 30) | 32 (32, 33) | 50 (49, 51) | 67 (66, 67) | 67 (66, 67) |
Area under receiver operating characteristics curve | 0.723 (0.720, 0.726) | 0.711 (0.708, 0.714) | 0.600 (0.596, 0.604) | 0.574 (0.570, 0.577) | 0.551 (0.548, 0.554) |
Performance metrics reported with 95% confidence intervals. Positive predictive value and number needed to evaluate were calculated for a fixed sensitivity of 50%. Abbreviations: DRNN, deep recurrent neural network; NEWS, National Early Warning Score; MEWS, Modified Early Warning Score; qSOFA, quick Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment.