Increased PAOx production results in the accumulation of benzyl glucosinolate and PAA.
A) A schematic diagram of PAOx metabolism and PAA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proposed routes of PAOx-derived PAA biosynthesis are shown with the dashed blue line. B) Representative 4-week-old CYP79A2 overexpression lines in the wild-type and ref2 genetic backgrounds compared to their controls. Scale bar = 1 cm. C) Relative expression of CYP79A2 in wild type, ref2, and CYP79A2 overexpression lines in the wild-type (ox-1, ox-2) and ref2 (ox-21, ox-22) genetic backgrounds (N=3). D) Hypocotyl length of seven-days-old wild-type, ref2, and CYP79A2 overexpression lines (N=8). E) Free PAA content of wild-type, ref2, and CYP79A2 overexpression lines (N=3). F) Benzyl glucosinolate content of wild-type, ref2, and CYP79A2 overexpression lines (N=4). 2-week-old whole aerial parts were extracted to measure relative amount of benzyl glucosinolate. Data represent mean ± SD. The means were compared by one-way ANOVA, and statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) were identified by Tukey’s test and indicated by letters to represent difference among groups.