Figure 5.
1: Patient with a large defect, detected correctly by both clinician and prediction network. Imaging acquired for valve replacement procedure and decreased left ventricle (LV) function from suspected infarction. (1A) A large defect on the late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) scan. (1B) The computed tomography angiography (CTA) with thinning visible in the same region. (1C) The input to the network for a mid-ventricle slice, in the form of a polar coordinates myocardium mask derived from the CTA segmentation. Thinning can be seen around the red arrow. (2) Patient with a smaller defect and less remodeling, which was detected by the network but not the clinician. Imaging performed for VT ablation planning. (2A) A positive LGE area on a mid short-axis slice. (2B) A CTA slice without an obvious defect visible. (2C) The polar mask with a change in anatomy, which is picked up by prediction network as a possible scar.