A, Representative single-channel current traces obtained with reconstituted mVDAC1 wild type (WT) and E73Q and E73A mutants at low (±10 mV) and high (±50 mV) applied voltages. Dashed line indicates zero current level. Current records were digitally filtered at 100 Hz using a low pass Bessel (8-pole) filter. B, Characteristic bell-shaped plots of normalized average conductance (left panel) and probability to be open (middle panel) as functions of the applied voltage for mVDAC1 WT, E73Q, and E73A mutants. Solid lines in the middle panel (light red for WT; black for E73Q; cyan for E73A) are the fits of Popen plots with the Boltzmann equation (eq. 2) using the effective gating charge, n, and the voltage at which half of the channels are open, V0, as fitting parameters, shown in the right panel. There is no significant difference between gating parameters n and V0 (p>0.05, t-test with unequal variance and two-tailed distribution). In all panels, the membrane-bathing solutions consisted of 1M KCl buffered with 5 mM HEPES at pH 7.4. Data are means of 3–9 experiments ± SD (here and elsewhere error bars shown every 5 points for clarity).