Normalized conductance (left panels), open probability (middle panels), and calculated gating parameters (right panels) obtained for mVDAC1 WT (A, B) and E73Q mutant (A) on multichannel membranes formed of PLE without (A, B) or with 25% (w/w) of cholesterol (B). In all panels, the membrane-bathing solution was 150 mM KCl buffered with 5 mM HEPES at pH 7.4. Data are means of 3–9 experiments ± SD. Solid lines in middle panels in A and B (in A: light red for WT and light grey for E73Q; in B: light red for PLE and grey for PLE with cholesterol) are the fits of Popen plots with the Boltzmann equation (eq. 2) and fitting parameters n and V0 are shown in right panels. Right panels: There is no significant difference between n and V0 gating parameters (p>0.05, t-test with unequal variance and two-tailed distribution).