A, Normalized conductance obtained on multichannel membranes formed of anionic (DOPG/DOPC/DOPE 2:1:1), cationic (DOTAP/DOPC/DOPE 2:1:1), or neutral (DOPG/DOTAP 1:1) lipid mixtures. B, Representative single-channel traces in cationic DOTAP/DOPC/DOPE 2:1:1 membrane. C, mVDAC1 gating decreases with negative lipid content in the membranes. Normalized conductance obtained on multichannel membranes with 20 and 50% of the negatively charged DOPG in DOPC/DOPE mixtures in comparison with membranes formed of natural soybean PLE with ~25% of charged lipids. The membrane-bathing solutions consisted of 150 mM KCl buffered with 5 mM HEPES at pH 7.4. In A and C, data are means of 3–9 experiments ± SD.