Manhattan plot of the genome-wide association study on seven body size traits and Venn plot of SNPs according to the contribution of SNP to genetic variance by using ssGWAS. BL, Body length; BH, Body height; CBC, Cannon bone circumference; AC, Abdominal circumference; CC, Chest circumference; RW, Rump width; CW, Chest width. BL, BH, and CBC were single-trait models, AC, CC, RW, and CW were two-trait models. AC and CC are a pair of traits, RW and CW are a pair of traits. In the Manhattan plots (A–G), the proportion of genetic variance of the quantified SNPs were plotted against their genomic positions. The x-axis represents the chromosomes and the y-axis represents the percentage of SNP explaining the genetic variance. Different colors indicate different chromosomes. Venn plot (H) of SNPs for the two pairs of body size traits, AC and CC, RW, and CW are a pair of traits, respectively.