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. 2021 Jul 15;16(1):49. doi: 10.5334/gh.929

Table 2.

Summary of overall CVD mortality, CVD mortality due to diets high in sodium, mean salt intakes (g/d) and existing salt reduction policies and actions in the selected Latin American countries.

Country Overall CVD mortality CVD mortality due to diets high in sodium Mean salt consumption (g/d) Salt reduction policy Actions

Argentina 191.0
8.0 Unavailable
  • Survey determining an acceptable concentration of salt for consumers.

  • Agreements with bakery industries to reduce the amount of sodium in processed foods.

  • Conducting local and national evaluation to monitor sodium content.

Brazil 178.0
10.0 Unavailable
  • Reduction of sodium amount in processed foods.

  • Educational sessions for increasing population’s awareness.

  • Developing nutritional practice guidelines.

Chile 128.0
7.0 Unavailable
  • Educational awareness campaigns for decreasing added salt in processed foods.

  • Efforts towards decreasing the concentration of salt in bread across nation.

Colombia 124.2
10.0 Unavailable
  • Voluntary agreements with the food industry and research on communication.

  • Designing the protocol to determine the baseline sodium intake.

Peru 85.8
8.0 Ley de la Alimentación Saludable: Manual de Advertencias Publicitarias (2018)
  • Labeling products containing high salt.

Uruguay 160.7
7.0 Unavailable
  • Banning table salt and salty condiments from restaurants.

  • Implementing low salt options in restaurants.

Costa Rica 138.0
8.0 The National Plan to Reduce Public Consumption of Salt/Sodium in Costa Rica (2011–2021)
  • Determining sodium intake and salt/sodium content of widely consumed foods.

  • Identifying consumer knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours regarding salt/sodium intake, and nutritional labeling.

  • Promoting behavioural changes among the general population to reduce dietary salt intake.

  • Implementing strategies to reduce the salt/sodium content of processed foods and foods prepared at home.

  • Monitoring and evaluation of salt/sodium intake in population.

Cuba 191.0
7.0 National Program of Non-Communicable Diseases (2010)
  • Mass media campaigns.

  • Nutrition labelling (including salt).

  • Workshops on dietary salt reduction.

  • National implementation of Cuban dietary guidelines.

  • Conducting studies on knowledge attitudes and beliefs.

  • Coordinating salt reduction program with the iodine supplementation program.

Mexico 152.8
7.0 National Agreement for Nutritional Health—Strategy to Control Overweight and Obesity (2010)
  • Limiting the amount of sodium added to foods.

  • Reducing dietary sodium intake.