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Table 3.

Frequency of comorbidities in studies of geographically different cohorts.

Comorbidities Present study (% before diagnosis/% total) Petrossians et al. (Europe) (5) Matsubayashi et al. (Japan) (37) AlMalki et al. (Saudi Arabia) (36)
Hypertension (%) 46.2/55.5 28.8 42.9 50
Diabetes mellitus or impaired glucose tolerance (%) 23.2/41.8 29.6 37.1 51.7
Hyperlipidemia, (%) 24.45/52.5 26.7
Myocardial hypertrophy (%) 3.2/26.8 15.5
Sleep apnea (%) 18.9/32.4 25.5 17.8 47.8
Colonic polyps (%) 10.1/23.6 13 22.7
Thyroid nodules or goiter (%) 5.56/30.6 34.0 37.5

Comorbidity data were collected as follows: present study – OHSU and Parhon combined; chart review; % before diagnosis/% total; (5) Petrossians et al. – international database; % at diagnosis; (29) Matsubayashi et al. – diagnostic codes in national database; % before diagnosis; (30) AlMalki et al. – chart review; % total before and after diagnosis.