(A) Luminex-based multianalyte profiling of 37 cytokines and chemokines in primary human bronchial (HBE) cells or enteroids (ENT) infected with 106 PFU of the indicated EV-D68 strains MD/09/23229, IL/14/18952, MA/18/23089, or KY/14/18953 from the apical or basolateral surfaces and incubated at 33°C (HBE) or 37°C (ENT). Supernatants were collected from the apical compartment at 24 and 48 hr post-infection (hpi). Shown is a heatmap based on cytokines induced relative to mock-infected controls (key at right), with blue denoting significantly increased cytokines in comparison to uninfected. Gray denotes little to no change (scale at top right). Data are based on three independent experiments. Levels of IFN-β (B, C), IFN-λ1 (D, E), or IFN-λ2 (F, G) infected from the apical (B, D, F) or basolateral (C, E, G) are shown. Symbols represent individual biological replicates from unique donor cells. Statistical significance was determined using a Kruskal–Wallis test, *p<0.05, **p<0.01.