CFR negatively correlates with levels of platelet and endothelial MVs. A and C: scatter plots showing median ± 95% CI. Patients with high CFR have significantly lower concentration of platelet (A) and endothelial (C) MVs in plasma, compared with the low CFR group. Mann–Whitney U test for unpaired data. CD42a+ and CD62E+ MVs: n = 100 (low CFR group), n = 107 (high CFR group). *Statistically significant, P < 0.0001 for both platelet and endothelial MVs. B and D: CFR and MV correlation plots. Spearman’s rho for platelet MVs = −0.34, n = 207. Spearman’s rho for endothelial MVs = −0.24, n = 207. P < 0.0001 and P = 0.001 for platelet and endothelial MVs, respectively. The curves demonstrate the results of simple linear regression. CFR, coronary flow reserve; MVs, microvesicles.