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. 2021 Jul 13;14:3405–3413. doi: 10.2147/IJGM.S318753

Table 3.

Attitudinal of Fear from Participating in a Clinical Trial

Survey Item Total Before COVID19 Pandemic During COVID19 Pandemic P-value
n % n % n %
I am afraid of the side effects that I will have on a clinical trial. Strongly agree 178 21.7 71 8.6 107 13.01 0.3
Agree 315 38.3 155 18.9 160 19.5
Neutral 193 23.5 83 10.1 110 13.4
Disagree 84 10.2 36 4.4 48 5.8
Strongly disagree 52 6.3 24 2.9 28 3.4
I am worried that the treatment I’d receive on a clinical trial would not work for me. Strongly agree. 96 11.7 48 5.8 48 5.8 0.4
Agree 273 33.2 121 14.7 152 18.5
Neutral 258 31.4 106 12.9 152 18.5
Disagree 133 16.2 62 7.5 71 8.6
Strongly disagree 62 7.5 32 3.9 30 3.6
I would not ask about clinical trials unless my doctor brought them up first. Strongly agree. 113 13.8 54 6.6 59 7.2 0.1
Agree 365 44.4 179 21.8 186 22.6
Neutral 145 17.6 57 6.9 88 10.7
Disagree 134 16.3 50 6.1 84 10.2
Strongly disagree 65 7.9 29 3.5 36 4.4
I do not like to try new treatments until they have been approved to be used. Strongly agree. 279 33.9 128 15.6 151 18.4 0.6
Agree 336 40.9 158 19.2 178 21.7
Neutral 132 16.1 53 6.5 79 9.6
Disagree 50 6.1 20 2.4 30 3.6
Strongly disagree 25 3.04 10 1.2 15 1.8
I do not trust drug companies. Strongly agree. 83 10.1 38 4.6 45 5.5 0.3
Agree 160 19.5 76 9.2 84 10.2
Neutral 306 37.2 145 17.6 161 19.6
Disagree 207 25.2 79 9.6 128 15.6
Strongly disagree 66 8.02 31 3.8 35 4.3
I am afraid I will be used as a test subject if I join in a clinical trial. Strongly agree. 122 14.8 61 7.4 61 7.4 0.3
Agree 296 36.01 137 16.7 159 19.3
Neutral 190 23.1 75 9.1 115 14
Disagree 153 18.6 65 7.9 88 10.7
Strongly disagree 61 7.4 31 3.8 30 3.7
I am worried that going on a clinical trial would burden my family. Strongly agree. 139 16.9 60 7.3 79 9.6 0.4
Agree 290 35.3 122 14.8 168 20.4
Neutral 176 21.4 89 10.8 87 10.6
Disagree 166 20.2 72 8.8 94 11.4
Strongly disagree 51 6.2 26 3.2 25 3.04
I am worried that my family would not allow me to participate in a clinical trial. Strongly agree. 143 17.4 58 7.1 85 10.3 0.1
Agree 275 33.5 123 15 152 18.5
Neutral 167 20.3 66 8.03 101 12.3
Disagree 168 20.4 88 10.7 80 9.7
Strongly disagree 69 8.4 34 4.1 35 4.3
I am worried that my medical care will not be as good if I join a clinical trial. Strongly agree. 89 10.8 34 4.1 55 6.7 0.04
Agree 237 28.8 112 13.6 125 15.2
Neutral 192 23.4 81 9.9 111 13.5
Disagree 213 25.9 110 13.4 103 12.5
Strongly disagree 91 11.1 32 3.9 59 7.2
I would not be able to find transportation to get me to my clinical trial treatment center. Strongly agree. 67 8.2 28 3.41 39 4.7 0.03
Agree 253 30.8 128 15.6 125 15.2
Neutral 268 32.6 104 12.6 164 20
Disagree 175 21.3 87 10.6 88 10.7
Strongly disagree 59 7.2 22 2.7 37 4.5
I would not be able to keep up with the clinical trial treatment schedule. Strongly agree. 71 8.6 32 3.9 39 4.7 0.5
Agree 281 34.2 138 16.8 143 17.4
Neutral 225 27.4 96 11.7 129 15.7
Disagree 197 24 82 10 115 14
Strongly disagree 48 5.8 21 2.6 27 3.3
I do not trust the medical system. Strongly agree. 31 3.8 13 1.6 18 2.2 0.6
Agree 73 8.9 33 4.01 40 4.9
Neutral 222 27.01 93 11.3 129 15.7
Disagree 285 34.7 139 16.9 146 17.8
Strongly disagree 211 25.7 91 11.1 120 14.6
I do not have time to take part in a clinical trial. Strongly agree. 166 20.2 74 9 92 11.2 0.8
Agree 282 34.3 124 15.1 158 19.2
Neutral 211 25.7 92 11.2 119 14.5
Disagree 114 13.9 57 6.9 57 6.9
Strongly disagree 49 6 22 2.7 27 3.3
Helping in developing new medications Strongly agree. 144 17.5 62 7.5 82 10 0.1
Agree 406 49.4 196 23.8 210 25.5
Neutral 153 18.6 55 6.7 98 11.9
Disagree 78 9.5 39 4.7 39 4.7
Strongly disagree 41 5 17 2.1 24 3
Being part of scientific knowledge Strongly agree. 121 14.7 55 6.7 66 8.03 0.6
Agree 387 47.1 184 22.4 203 24.7
Neutral 182 22.1 74 9 108 13.1
Disagree 88 10.7 37 4.5 51 6.2
Strongly disagree 44 5.4 19 2.3 25 3.04
Willing to participate if you were provided with a good consent form explaining the clinical trial’s benefits and risks. Strongly agree. 88 10.7 53 6.5 35 4.3 0.004
Agree 334 40.6 160 19.5 174 21.2
Neutral 199 24.2 77 9.4 122 14.8
Disagree 129 15.7 49 6 80 9.7
Strongly disagree 72 8.8 30 3.7 42 5.1
Willing to participate in a clinical trial if you were explained in a completely private setting Strongly agree. 68 8.3 38 4.6 30 3.7 0.1
Agree 288 35.04 140 17.03 148 18
Neutral 207 25.2 86 10.5 121 14.7
Disagree 175 21.3 71 8.6 104 12.7
Strongly disagree 84 10.2 34 4.14 50 6.08
Willing to participate in a clinical trial if your physician explained you Strongly agree. 65 7.9 39 4.7 26 3.2 0.003
Agree 295 35.9 148 18 147 17.9
Neutral 209 25.4 88 10.7 121 14.7
Disagree 167 20.3 63 7.7 104 12.7
Strongly disagree 86 10.5 31 3.7 55 6.7
Having religious representatives in the clinical trial and an ethics committee will make you more likely to participate in the clinical trial. Strongly agree. 70 8.5 31 3.8 39 4.7 0.9
Agree 216 26.3 100 12.2 116 14.1
Neutral 258 31.4 114 13.9 144 17.5
Disagree 186 22.6 85 10.3 101 12.3
Strongly disagree 92 11.2 39 4.7 53 6.5
A belief that by participating in a clinical trial, you will receive the best medical care Strongly agree. 71 8.6 34 4.14 37 4.5 0.4
Agree 312 38 152 18.5 160 19.5
Neutral 266 32.4 112 13.6 154 18.7
Disagree 125 15.2 50 6.1 75 9.1
Strongly disagree 48 5.8 21 2.6 27 3.3
Willing to participate in a clinical trial if you were with a family member when a researcher explains clinical trial. Strongly agree. 33 4.01 17 2.1 16 2 0.5
Agree 239 29.1 114 13.9 125 15.2
Neutral 250 30.4 114 13.9 136 16.5
Disagree 220 26.8 93 11.3 127 15.5
Strongly disagree 80 9.7 31 3.8 49 6
Willing to participate in a clinical trial if you had more time to think about it. Strongly agree. 54 6.6 33 4.01 21 2.6 0.01
Agree 299 36.4 148 18 151 18.4
Neutral 185 22.5 73 8.9 112 13.6
Disagree 195 23.7 81 9.9 114 13.9
Strongly disagree 89 10.8 34 4.14 55 6.7
Willing to participate in a clinical trial if you could obtain information from your physician Strongly agree. 58 7.1 37 4.5 21 2.6 0.007
Agree 338 41.1 159 19.3 179 21.8
Neutral 187 22.7 82 9.9 105 12.8
Disagree 155 18.9 61 7.4 94 11.4
Strongly disagree 84 10.2 30 3.6 54 6.6
I completely trust my doctor’s recommendations about a clinical trial Strongly agree. 69 8.4 33 4.01 36 4.4 0.4
Agree 346 42.1 162 19.7 184 22.4
Neutral 247 30.1 108 13.1 139 17
Disagree 123 15 55 6.7 68 8.3
Strongly disagree 37 4.5 11 1.3 26 3.2
I am worried about the safety of participating in a clinical trial Strongly agree. 131 15.9 64 7.8 67 8.2 0.02
Agree 336 40.9 169 20.6 167 20.3
Neutral 236 28.7 94 11.4 142 17.3
Disagree 84 10.2 31 3.8 53 6.5
Strongly disagree 35 4.3 11 1.3 24 2.9
I trust the information I read about a clinical trial on the internet Strongly agree. 28 3.4 9 1.1 19 2.3 0.2
Agree 138 16.8 59 7.16 79 9.6
Neutral 299 36.4 125 15.2 174 21.2
Disagree 253 30.8 124 15.1 129 15.7
Strongly disagree 104 12.7 52 6.3 52 6.3
Clinical trial medications are safer than other medication Strongly agree. 23 2.8 7 0.9 16 2 0.3
Agree 96 11.7 39 4.7 57 6.9
Neutral 312 37.9 152 18.5 160 19.5
Disagree 256 31.1 114 13.9 142 17.3
Strongly disagree 135 16.4 57 6.9 78 9.5