Fig. 2.
Factors associated with (a) COVID-19 related hospitalization and (b) mortality subsequent to COVID-19 related hospitalization overall population and T2D only. Example interpretation: Factors shown here with both black and gray lines were chosen by backwards selection for T2D only and overall population models, respectively. For a selected factor, overlap in black and gray lines and the position of mean odds ratio (dot in the middle of a line) as above (OR > 1) or below (OR < 1) the dashed line indicate that the magnitude and direction of the factor’s association is consistent across T2D only and overall population models. Factors with only one line were either considered only in the corresponding model (e.g., diabetes medication classes were only considered in T2D only population models) or chosen by backwards selection in one of the models (e.g., antihypertensives remained only in the overall population model for hospitalization outcome). COVID-19 coronavirus disease-2019; n number of individuals; OR odds ratio; T2D type 2 diabetes mellitus