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. 2021 Jun 30;33(3):417–432. doi: 10.21147/j.issn.1000-9604.2021.03.12

Table 2. Summary of phase I trials of targeted therapy for rGBMs.

References No. Therapeutic target Therapy Protocol Result Beneficial subgroup Adverse effects Conclusions
All grade ≥grade 3
FAK, focal adhesion kinase; CTO, carboxyamidotriazole orotate; ORR, objective response rate; mOS, median overall survival; mPFS, median progression-free survival; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; BBB, blood-brain barrier; NA, not available.
Brown NF
et al. 2018
13 FAK GSK2256098 Dose-escalation
(1,000 mg, 750 mg, 500 mg)
ORR 0 / 13 6 Effective in crossing the BBB and enter tumor
Omuro A
et al. 2018 (79)
27 Non-voltage dependent calcium channels CTO Dose-escalation
(219−812.5 mg/m2)
ORR 26% (7/27);
mOS 10.2 months;
1-year OS 46%;
mPFS 3.1 months;
6-month PFS 37%
EGFR amplification NA 0 CTO can combine safely with temozolomide, favorable BBB penetration
Wen PY
et al. 2020 (46)
33 PI3K/mTOR GDC-0084 Dose-escalation (2−65 mg) ORR 0 / 33 9 Effective in crossing the BBB
Kaley TJ
et al. 2020 (80)
17 mTOR/AKT Temsirolimus + perifosine Dose-escalation
(T: 15−170 mg; P: 600 mg → 900 mg)
mOS 10.4 months;
mPFS 2.7 months
/ NA NA Combination therapy is tolerable in heavily pretreated patients
Reardon DA
et al. 2020 (81)
14 Indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO1) PF-06840003 Dose-escalation (125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg) ORR 0;
mPFS 1.9−2.8 months
/ 14 4 Well tolerated, pharmacodynamic effect and durable clinical benefit