Effects of 15 mg/kg of NaIO3 on the waveforms of scotopic electroretinogram (ERG; stimulus intensity: 10 cd.s/m2, flash duration: 4 ms, recording time: 5 s) in C57BL/6J and 129/SV-E mice. Here, “0” represents the start of stimulation, “a” represents the amplitude of scotopic a-wave, “b” represents the amplitude of scotopic b-wave, and “c” represents the amplitude of scotopic c-wave. (A) Daily changes in the waveforms after 15 mg/kg of NaIO3 administration over 7 days in C57BL/6J mice. (B) The amplitudes of scotopic a- and b-wave both increased at 1 day after injection but decreased at 7 days after 15 mg/kg NaIO3 injection in 129/SV-E mice compared with PBS-treated mice.