Table 2.
No | Models | Models Input | Equations | References |
Temperature-based | ||||
1 | Hargreaves–Samani | Ra, Tave, Tmax, Tmin | EThs = [0.0023 Ra (Tave +17.8) (Tmax − Tmin)0.517]/λ | (Hargreaves and Samani, 1985) |
2 | Berti et al. | Ra, Tave, Tmax, Tmin | ETber = [0.00193 Ra (Tave +17.8) (Tmax − Tmin)0.5]/λ | (Berti et al., 2014) |
Radiation-based | ||||
3 | Makkink | Rs, T | ETmak = 0.61 | Makkink, 1957 |
4 | Jensen–Haise | Rs, T | ETjh =(0.025T + 0.08) | Jensen and Haise, 1963 |
5 | Irmak | Rs, T | ETirm = 0.149Rs + 0.079T - 0.611 | Irmak et al., 2003 |
6 | Tabari | Rs, Tmax, Tmin | ETtab = 0.156Rs - 0.0112Tmax +0.0733Tmin - 0.478 | Tabari et al., 2013 |
7 | Priestley–Taylor | Rn, T | ETpt = 1.26 | Priestley and Taylor, 1972 |
8 | Abtew | Rs, Tmax | ETabt = | Abtew, 1996 |
Mass transfer-based | ||||
9 | Penman | u2, es-ea | ETpen = 0.35 (1 + 0.98/100u2) (es-ea) | Penman, 1948 |
10 | WMO | u2, es-ea | ETwmo = (0.1298 + 0.0934u2) (es-ea) | WMO, 1996 |
11 | Trabert | u2, es-ea | ETtra = 3.075u20.5 (es-ea) | Trabert, 1896 |
Combined | ||||
12 | Doorenbos-Pruitt | Rn, u2, es-ea | ETdp | Doorenbos and Pruitt, 1977 |
13 | Valianlzas1 | Rn, T, RH | ETva1 = 0.0393 Rs–0.19 Rs0.6 Φ0.15 + 0.078 (T+20) (1 - ) | Valiantzas, 2013; 2013a |
14 | Valianlzas2 | Rn, T, Tmin | ETva2 = 0.0393 Rs–0.19 Rs0.6 Φ0.15 + 0.0061 (T+20) (1.12T - Tmin -2)0.7 | Valiantzas, 2013; 2013a |
15 | Valianlzas3 | Rn, T, RH, u2 | ETva3 = 0.0393 Rs–0.19 Rs0.6 Φ0.15 + 0.078 (T+20) (1 - ) u20.7 | Valiantzas, 2013; 2013a |
Note: Ra is the extraterrestrial radiation (MJ·m−2·d−1), Rs is the solar radiation (MJ·m−2·d−1), Rn is the net solar radiation (MJ·m−2·d−1), Tave, Tmax, and Tmin are mean, maximum, and minimum temperature (◦C), respectively, u2 is the wind speed at 2 m height (The unit of u2 is in m·s−1 in all equations except the Penman model, where u2 is in miles·d−1), es and ea are saturation and actual vapor pressure, respectively (The units of es and ea are in hPa in all equations except the Penman model, where es and ea are in mmHg.), RH is the relative humidity (%), Δ is the slope of the vapor pressure curve (kPa·◦C−1), γ is the psychrometric constant (kPa·◦C−1), λ is the latent heat of vaporization (≈2.45 MJ·kg−1), G is the soil heat flux density (MJ·m−2·d−1), and ϕ is the latitude (rad). The abbreviations of the 15 empirical models are arranged in order that the models appear in Table 2: hs, berti, pen, wmo, tra, mak, pt, jh, abt, irm, tab, dp, va1, va2, and va3.