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. 2021 Jul 5;12:671835. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.671835


Baseline characteristics of the participants of case (n = 200) and control (n = 706) groups.

Variable Case (%) Control (%) p-value a
n = 200 n = 706
Sex (men) 145 (72.5) 512 (72.5) 0.995
Mean age (±SD) 60.2 (±16.3) 59.8 (±15.8) 0.750 b
Mean schooling (±SD) 6.3 (±4.3) 6.2 (±4.6) 0.750
Ethnicity 0.091 c , d
 White 134 (67.0) 516 (73.1)
 Black 65 (32.5) 186 (26.3)
 Oriental 1 (0.5) 4 (0.6)
Body mass index (kg/m2) 0.003 d
 Underweight 10 (5.1) 15 (2.1)
 Normal weight 80 (40.4) 197 (28.0)
 Overweight 60 (30.3) 263 (37.4)
 Obesity I 30 (15.2) 152 (21.6)
 Obesity II 13 (6.6) 55 (7.8)
 Obesity III 5 (2.5) 21 (3.0)
 Missing data 2 3
Reliability of the interview <0.001 d
 6–7 91 (45.5) 223 (31.6)
 8–9 77 (38.5) 32 (45.9)
 >9 32 (16.0) 159 (22.5)
Previous history of gastrointestinal disorders
 Familiar history of ulcer 41 (21.8) 132 (22.3) 0.870
 Personal history of dyspepsia 60 (30.2) 291 (41.2) 0.004 d
 Personal history of ulcer 44 (22.1) 64 (9.1) <0.001 d
 Personal history of bleeding 35 (17.6) 94 (13.3) 0.135 d
Helicobacter pylori serology <0.001 d
 Reagent 142 (76.3) 388 (57.6)
 No reagent 44 (23.7) 286 (42.4)
 Plasma sample not satisfactory 14 32
 Cardiovascular disease 62 (31.5) 131 (19.1) <0.001 d
 Blood disease 3 (1.5) 42 (6.0) 0.009 d
 Renal disease 7 (3.5) 36 (5.2) 0.348
 Respiratory disease 8 (4.0) 71 (10.1) 0.007 d
 High blood pressure 104 (52.0) 371 (52.5) 0.891
 Diabetes mellitus 38 (19.1) 158 (22.4) 0.306
 Dyslipidemia 21 (10.7) 165 (23.4) <0.001 d
 Depression 20 (10.1) 81 (11.5) 0.559
 Arthrosis 9 (4.5) 48 (6.9) 0.237
 Arthritis 3 (1.5) 21 (3.0) 0.3218
Drug therapy in use (ATC)
 Proton pump inhibitors (A02BC) 36 (18.0) 125 (17.7) 0.923
 H2 receptors antagonists (A02BA) 03 (1.5) 10 (1.4) 0.930
 Oral anticoagulants (B01A) 22 (11.0) 18 (2.5) <0.001 d
 Low-dose aspirin (B01AC06) 51 (25.5) 90 (12.7) <0.001 d
 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (M01A) 43 (23.6) 71 (10.2) <0.001 d
 Antidepressants (N06A) 19 (9.5) 70 (9.9) 0.962
 Smoking habit <0.001 d
  Nonsmoker 136 (70.1) 580 (84.7)
  Moderate (1–15 cigarettes/day) 23 (11.9) 52 (7.6)
  Heavy (>15 cigarettes/day) 35 (18.0) 53 (7.7)
Alcohol intake (average of grams of alcohol/day) <0.001 d
 Abstain (0 g) 103 (51.5) 392 (55.5)
 Little (0 > consume ≤30 g of alcohol/day) 71 (35.5) 297 (42.1)
 Moderate (>30 g of alcohol/day) 26 (13.0) 17 (2.4)
 Missing data 1 5
Coffee consumption 0.260
 No 29 (14.5) 65 (9.2)
 Yes 171 (85.5) 641 (90.8)
 Daily coffee consumption 159 (79.5) 599 (84.8)
 Weekly coffee consumption 10 (5.0) 35 (5.0)
 Monthly coffee consumption 2 (1.0) 6 (0.8)
Amount of coffee consumption per day (ml) <0.001 d
 mL = 0 30 (15.0) 66 (9.3)
 0 < mL ≤ 100 101 (50.5) 469 (66.4)
 mL > 100 69 (314.5) 171 (24.2)

p-value is polychotomous and represents the entire variable.


p-value obtained in the T-Student test. The other p-values were obtained using the chi-square test.


Oriental ethnicity was not considered for the chi-square test (number of participants <5) in these categories.


Variables with p-value ≤ 0.20 and selected for the multivariate model.

ATC, Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical; SD, standard deviation.