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. 2021 Jul 5;12:671835. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.671835


Risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to complicated peptic disease after the logistic regression model.

Variable Logistic regression model
Insert method
OR CI 95% p-value
Constant - - 0.034
Ethnicity (self-declared black) 1.21 0.71–2.05 0.468
Ethnicity (self-declared oriental) 4.41 0.40–47.93 0.222
Body mass index (underweight) 1.20 0.34–4.25 0.771
Body mass index (overweight) 0.54 0.33–0.89 0.017 a
Personal history of dyspepsia 0.40 0.24–0.69 <0.001 a
Personal history of ulcer 3.82 1.88–7.75 <0.001 a
Personal history of bleeding 1.59 0.82–3.10 0.166
Helicobacter pylori (reagent) 1.91 1.16–3.16 0.011 a
Cardiovascular disease 1.54 0.82–2.88 0.177
Blood disease 0.14 0.02–0.81 0.028 a
Respiratory disease 0.18 0.05–0.57 0.003 a
Dyslipidemia 0.21 0.10–0.46 <0.001 a
Oral anticoagulants use 10.58 3.58–31.25 <0.001 a
LDA use 3.70 1.88–7.27 <0.001 a
NSAIDs use 4.66 2.57–8.43 <0.001 a
Smoking habit (1–15 cigarettes/day) 1.61 0.75–3.43 0.213
Smoking habit (>15 cigarettes/day) 1.97 0.97–3.87 0.058
Alcohol intake (0 < consume ≤30 g of alcohol/day) 2.58 1.41–4.74 0.002 a
Alcohol intake (>30 g of alcohol/day) 7.98 2.98–21.32 <0.001 a
Coffee consumption (0 < mL ≤ 100 ml) 0.48 0.23–1.00 0.051
Coffee consumption (>100 ml) 1.02 0.46–2.23 0.963
Reliability of the interview (scores 8–9) 0.57 0.34–0.95 0.030 a
Reliability of the interview (score 10) 0.65 0.33–1.27 0.210
rs1330344 (CT genotype) 0.13 0.67–1.89 0.632
rs1330344 (TT genotype) 1.29 0.62–2.62 0.483
rs1330344 (CT + TT genotypes) 1.14 0.64–2.00 0.650
rs10306114 (AG genotype) 2.55 1.13–5.764 0.024 a
rs10306114 (GG genotype) - - - b
rs10306114 (AG + GG genotypes) 0.63 0.31–1.30 0.219
rs3842787 (CT genotype) 1.13 0.62–1.89 0.632
rs3842787 (TT genotype) 1.29 0.67–2.69 0.483
rs3842787 (CT + TT genotypes) 0.63 0.31–1.30 0.219
rs5788 (CA genotype) 1.00 0.61–1.63 0.990
rs5788 (AA genotype) 0.72 0.28–1.81 0.488
rs5788 (CA + AA genotypes) 2.53 1.14–5.59 0.022 a
rs2070744 (CT genotype) 0.76 0.46–1.25 0.287
rs2070744 (TT genotype) 0.81 0.40–1.63 0.566
rs2070744 (CT + TT genotypes) 0.75 0.47–1.19 0.227
rs1799983 (GT genotype) 0.91 0.54–1.54 0.732
rs1799983 (TT genotype) 1.04 0.58–2.07 0.760
rs1799983 (GT + TT genotypes) 0.99 0.59–1.53 0.385

OR, odds ratio; CI 95%, confidence interval 95%; LDA, low-dose aspirin; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


Statistical significance.


It was not possible to conduct the analysis due to the small number of participants in each group (one case and one control).

The category of reference for genetic variants is the wild phenotype.