Fig. 3.
Nuclear expression of VPS4 is dependent upon CHMP7 in C9orf72 and sALS iPSNs. a, c, e Maximum intensity projections from SIM imaging of CHMP4B (a), CHMP2B (c), and VPS4 (e) in nuclei isolated from control, C9orf72, and sALS iPSNs following 2 week exposure to 5 μM scrambled control or CHMP7 ASO. Treatment as indicated on left, genotype and antibody as indicated on top. b, d, f Quantification of CHMP4B (b), CHMP2B (d), and VPS4 (f) spots. n = 5 control, 5 C9orf72, and 5 sALS iPSC lines, 50 NeuN + nuclei per line/treatment. Two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test was used to calculate statistical significance. **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001. Scale bar = 5 μm