Change commitment |
Needed |
I believe that Country needs to interrupt STH transmission. |
CC1 |
I have observed that my co-workers generally believe that Country needs to interrupt STH transmission. |
CC2 |
Motivated |
I am supportive of implementing community-wide MDA for STH. |
CC3 |
I have observed that my co-workers are generally supportive of implementing community-wide MDA for STH. |
CC4 |
Ministry of Education personnel that I work with on school or child interventions will likely support transitioning from school-based to community-wide deworming. |
CC5 |
In my experience, community drug distributors are given sufficient financial and/or non-financial incentives for administering community-wide MDA. |
CC6 |
Outcome expectancy |
I believe that community-wide MDA can interrupt STH transmission in Country. |
CC7 |
I have observed that my co-workers generally believe that community-wide MDA can interrupt STH transmission in Country
CC8 |
Change efficacy |
Task demand |
In my experience, community drug distributor supervisors provide good guidance to distributors on how to deliver community-wide MDA. |
CE |
[Stakeholder level] staff will need additional training to effectively deliver community-wide MDA for STH. |
CE2 |
Additional supervisors are needed at [stakeholder level] to coordinate the delivery of community-wide MDA for STH. |
CE3 |
In my experience, personnel at [stakeholder level] have demonstrated that they can deliver other community-wide MDA programmes (ex. lymphatic filariasis) with high coverage. |
CE4 |
Resource availability |
How often have you observed difficulties with having enough funding at the National level to support implementation of community-based programmes? |
CE5 |
How often do you encounter difficulties with having enough funding at the district level to implement of community-based programmes? |
CE6 |
I am not worried about whether Country has sufficient future funding for community-wide MDA programmes. |
CE7 |
Country currently has the resources and tools needed to develop high-quality sensitization and education materials for community-wide MDA for STH. |
CE8 |
In my experience, there is an effective programme in Country for training community drug distributors on how to deliver community-wide MDA. |
CE9 |
I know of at least one community health programme that could be used to deliver community-wide MDA for STH.* |
CE10 |
Contextual factors |
I have observed that there is a collaborative network of external stakeholders (NGOs or technical/financial partners) that would support community-wide MDA for STH in Country. |
CE11 |
How often are community members in Malawi resistant to community-wide MDA campaigns? Country
CE12 |
Capacity |
Demonstrated capacity |
In my experience, Country National NTD Master Plan is currently being implemented as intended. |
CAP1 |
How often have you encountered difficulty moving money across [stakeholder level of the health system] for a community-based programme? |
CAP2 |
How often have you observed delays in the arrival of drugs for MDA programmes due to supply chain problems? |
CAP3 |
I have observed that it is challenging to recruit enough community drug distributors needed in Country to deliver community-wide MDA. |
CAP4 |
How often are treatment data incorrectly recorded during delivery of community-wide MDA programmes? |
CAP5 |
In my experience, community drug distributors have the skills to effectively deliver community-wide MDA for STH? |
CAP6 |
Flexibility |
Flexibility |
It is challenging to present new ideas to my supervisor. |
In my experience, when MOH leadership at the National level are presented with new ideas, research activities, or pilot projects, they are generally receptive to them. |
How often do your supervisors generally feel comfortable receiving feedback and recommendations from you and your colleagues on how to improve the delivery of interventions? |
How often do your subordinates generally feel comfortable providing feedback and recommendations on how to improve the delivery of interventions? |
Organizational structure |
Leadership structure |
In my experience, the NTD programme leadership at the national level is effectively implementing community-wide MDA programmes in Country. |
ORG1 |
In my experience, the NTD programme leadership at the [STATE] level is effectively implementing NTD programmes in Country. |
ORG2 |
In my experience, the NTD programme leadership at the [DISTRICT] level is effectively implementing NTD programmes in Country. |
ORG3 |
Political structure |
In my experience, Country’s national policy for NTD control supports community-wide MDA. |
ORG4 |
I have observed that Country’s National NTD Master Plan provides sufficient guidance for delivering community-wide MDA programmes, such as lymphatic filariasis (LF). |
ORG5 |
I have observed that deworming medicines are acquired centrally and re-distributed to local levels without too much difficulty. |
ORG6 |